News & Events

From recent developments in the design of reusable packaging and returnable containers to new manufacturing methods for creating durable, long-lasting sleeves and dunnage, Carter Associates aims to stay current will all of the latest industry news. To stay up-to-date with our interests and progress, be sure to visit this page often as we are always seeking ways to expand our knowledge and improve our products.

Returnable Plastic Containers: Saving Money (And the Environment)


Today, we’re exploring the strengths of returnable plastic containers both economically and environmentally.

Tags: returnable containers, returnable plastic containers

Why Different Industries Use Reusable Packaging Every Day


In the spirit of learning, today we’ll discuss why and how different industries use reusable packaging for their products.

Tags: reusable packaging

3 Essential Qualities of Returnable Shipping Containers


In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing 3 qualities to look for in your returnable shipping containers.

Tags: Returnable shipping containers

Why Prototype Your Returnable Containers?


In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing the benefits of prototyping and custom designing your returnable containers.

Tags: returnable containers

Why to Custom-Engineer Returnable Plastic Containers


In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing the benefits of custom returnable plastic containers.

Tags: returnable plastic containers, reusable packaging

The Future of Reusable Packaging


In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing the future of reusable packaging.

Tags: reusable packaging

3 Returnable Containers That Will Save You Money


In this month’s blog post, we’ll be discussing three different returnable containers we offer and how they can benefit you.

Tags: reusable containers

Maintain and Extend the Lifespan of Your Reusable Shipping Containers


In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing how you can maintain your reusable shipping containers and save thousands.

Tags: returnable containers, reusable shipping containers

Returnable Plastic Containers: Environmentally Friendly Uses of Plastic


In this month’s blog post, we’ll be discussing what separates single-use plastics from returnable containers, and how switching to reusable can save you money.

Tags: returnable containers, returnable plastic containers

The Invisible Costs of Single-Use Packaging


Today, we’ll be highlighting the pitfalls of single-use packaging and why companies across the globe are moving toward cost-friendly and environmentally-conscience reusable packaging.

Tags: returnable packaging, reusable packaging