Consistent and Reliable Service at Carter Associates


We know that the materials you package are important and that is why they need to be properly stored and protected. At Carter Associates Manufacturing, we provide our customers with the best in Tuf-pack, so their products can be protected properly. Our sleeves and totes have a wide array of  benefits including durability and flexibility. When you need a custom packing solution that is budget friendly and long lasting, use the Tuf-Totes and sleeves at Carter Associates Manufacturing. 

We are a leader in creating low-cost, recyclable and, reusable packaging solutions. Carter's always sees a reduction in our clients’ packaging costs because it safeguard their products against damage, and creates lasting, long-term relationships. We have over 60,000 square feet of manufacturing and warehouse space - one of the many reasons why we are able to deliver affordable options for our clients. No matter if you need the durability of our Tuf-Pak shipping containers, the ruggedness of our thermoformed pallets, or the affordability of our Tuf-Totes shipping totes, we’re confident that we can deliver a product that meets your expectations. Even better, we’re certain that our products will help you lower your long-term costs and protect your products from damage during shipping and internal transport.

At Carter Associates, our focus is on high-quality, low-cost packaging solutions. Offering corrugated plastic containers, pallet storage, reusable packaging, and a range of other products, we have garnered the tools and experience necessary to deliver on all your packaging needs. In addition to the highest quality reusable packaging on the market, we also offer the most attentive, responsive customer service in the industry. Our team is held to high standards. They are encouraged to work closely with clients to understand their needs and, once understood, to recommend products and solutions that will address those needs.

Tags: tuf-pak sleeves